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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
This book collects the sermons delivered at the Commemorating Calvin Conference in July 2009 at Geneva, Switzerland.Here are some of the world's best Reformed preachers following in Calvin's footsteps and preaching the words of Scripture with sound exegesis and theology.

Featuring many popular speakers including, Joel R. Beeke, Bryan Chapelle, Sinclair Ferguson, David Hall, Peter Lillback, Philip Graham Ryken, and Derek W. H. Thomas.

Each speaker covered a major biblical text that supports Calvinist theology and demonstartes how Calvinist teaching is still relevant to today. The articles are pitched toward the non-technical reader but provide a great summary of Christian teaching on grace. This makes an ideal summary of the main threads of calvinistic thought and practice.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781596380974
Item #: 9864
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 16
Page Count: 272
Publication Date: 2010

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