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By Sandy Wilson

What separates Christianity from other religions? What makes the Christian message distinctly Christian? In this new booklet from the Gospel Coalition, pastor Sandy Willson demonstrates that Christianity is most fundamentally Christ's redemption.

Willson traces the life of Christ, noting his humility before the cross and his exaltation after his death. He shows how Christ redeems us by accomplishing what we could not do. As our representative and substitute, Christ restores us to fellowship with God. This booklet is a helpful resource for those wanting to understand why the Christian message is distinctive.

Christ's Redemption offers a thoughtful explanation for point 7 of the Gospel Coalition's Confessional Statement. The coalition is an evangelical renewal movement dedicated to a Scripture-based reformation of ministry practices.
Publisher: Crossway Books
ISBN: 9781433527920
Item #: 11374
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 6
Page Count: 24
Publication Date: 2025

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