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Chester, Tim


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Crown of Thorns: Connecting Kingdom and Cross

Within evangelicalism today it can sometimes seem there are two competing versions of the gospel. There is the gospel of the kingdom with its focus on God's plan to restore the world. And there is the gospel of the cross with its focus on the offer of forgiveness. These two emphases create contrasting models of discipleship and mission.
In Crown of Thorns Tim Chester shows how these two gospels are really one gospel - the message of the King who establishes justice in a surprising way.

Tim Chester is a pastor with Grace Church, Boroughbridge, a tutor with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Acade.
Publisher: Christian Focus
ISBN: 9781781916148
Item #: 13763
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 6
Page Count: 112
Publication Date: 2015

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