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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Confusion abounds in a world bent on rejecting a loving Creator’s guidance on a life well lived. According to its author, Snubbing God shows how “biblical wisdom is opposed by a secular view that has at its heart a fundamental misunderstanding or outright disregard for God’s creation and how he has designed it.”

Some of the issues Kuligin explores as a result of rebuffing God include gay marriage, abortion, climate change, animal rights, and evolution. Though pointing out the weaknesses of a secular viewpoint, the author provides convincing arguments for why living the way the Creator designed it leads to a rich and satisfying life.

Victor Kuligin is the academic dean and lecturer at Bible Institute of South Africa. Prior to this he performed the same duties at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary. He holds his doctorate in systematic theology and master’s degree in church history from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. His master’s degree in biblical studies is from Wheaton College Graduate School.
Publisher: Weaver
ISBN: 9781941337738
Item #: 13794
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2017

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