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Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age

By Ben Stuart

For the first time in history, the average age for an American woman having her first child, 26, is younger than the average age of her first marriage, 27. More children than ever are growing up in fatherless homes, despite the overwhelming evidence that in every measurable way this is bad for the child. The Center for Disease Control also recently reported a dramatic rise in sexually transmitted disease nationwide. In Rhode Island alone, since the onset of online dating, reported cases of Syphilis has risen 79%, and HIV has increased by 33%. Though many young people can avoid early pregnancy and STDs, most cannot dodge the depression and feelings of isolation that characterize this modern generation. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave. Many have discovered that where there is a lack of intimacy,addiction often rises to take its place. How can a young person navigate such troubled waters? Is there hope out there?

Ben Stuart serves on the team at Passion City Church in Atlanta, and is currently preparing to launch and pastor a Passion City Church location in another city. Ben previously served as Executive Director of Breakaway Ministries, a non-denominational, weekly Bible study on the campus of Texas A&M University, for 11 years. He now serves on the Board of Directors for this ministry, which impacts thousands of students each week.
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780718097899
Item #: 13817
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 256
Publication Date: 2017

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