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Empathy for the Devil - Finding Ourselves in the Villains of the Bible

by JR. Forasteros

The sins of wrath, idolatry, and abuse of power are closer to us than we think. How do we guard against them? We learn not only by following moral exemplars—we also need to look at the warnings of lives gone wrong.

In this fictionalized narrative, JR. Forasteros reintroduces us to some of the most villainous characters of Scripture. He shows us what we can learn from their negative examples, with figures such as Cain, Jezebel, King Herod, and even Satan serving as cautionary tales of sin and temptation. Forasteros vividly tells their stories to help us understand their motivations, and his astute biblical and cultural exposition points out what we often miss about their lives.

We soon discover that we might have more in common with these characters than we would like to admit. Take a fresh look at the scoundrels of Scripture, and find sound pastoral guidance here to walk the path of righteousness.

JR. Forasteros is the teaching pastor at Catalyst Community Church in Rowlett, Texas.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830845149
Item #: 13933
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 14
Page Count: 224
Publication Date: 2017

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