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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Character Matters! Raising Kids with Values That Last

by: John Yates, Susan Alexander Yates

Developing a character that stands firm is not something that happens automatically. As a parent, you need goals for character development and practical ways of achieving those goals. Character Matters! is the essential resource to guide you in this ongoing process.

John and Susan Yates describe how both parents and children can intentionally grow in character through the normal, daily events in life. They highlight eight essential character traits-integrity, faith, a teachable spirit, a servant's heart, self-discipline, joy, compassion, and courage-and give insight into God's perspective on each.
Publisher: Baker
ISBN: 9780801064104
Item #: 8327
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 206
Publication Date: 2002

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