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K. Scott Oliphint


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Know Why You Believe Video Study

The Know Why You Believe Video Study is designed for personal study, as well as for use in classrooms, small groups, and Sunday schools wanting to better understand traditional defenses of Christian belief. Each session covers a foundational teaching and includes a rationale for that teaching as well as responses to common objections.

Session Titles and Runtimes:
1 - Introduction (23 min)
2 - Why Believe in the Bible? (25 min)
3 - Why Believe in God? (24 min)
4 - Why Believe in Jesus? (24 min)
5 - Why Believe in Miracles? (24 min)
6 - Why Believe in the Resurrection? (24 min)
7 - Why Believe in Salvation? (23 min)
8 - Why Believe in Life After Death? (24 min)
9 - Why Believe in God in the Face of Modern Science? (23 min)
10 - Why Believe in God Despite the Evil in the World? (23 min)
11 - Why Believe in Christianity Alone? (23 min)
12 - Conclusion (24 min)

K. Scott Oliphint is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310555896
Item #: 13963
Binding: DVD
Chapters: 12
Page Count:
Publication Date: 2017

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