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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
In a day when Christians are often attacked for their beliefs, professor and speaker Jeremiah Johnston offers an inspiring look at the positive influence of Christianity, both historically and today. In Unimaginable, you'll discover the far-reaching ways that Christianity is good for the world--and has been since the first century AD--including:

· How the plights of women and children in society were forever changed by Jesus
· Why democracy and our education and legal systems owe much to Christianity
· How early believers demonstrated the inherent value of human life by caring for the sick, handicapped, and dying
· How Christians today are extending God's kingdom through charities, social justice efforts, and other profound ways
Publisher: Bethany House
ISBN: 9780764230813
Item #: 14050
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 17
Page Count: 240
Publication Date: 2017

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