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PHILIPPIANS: At His Feet Study

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
by Hope Blanton and Christine Gordon - PCA

If you’re a woman who feels like you don't have time to study the Bible in a deep, meaningful way, but you want to, this is the book for you. Philippians is a combination of Chris’s ability to unpack Scripture in deep, practical ways and Hope’s ability to create questions that guide the reader and apply God’s Word. Designed to be completed in just twenty minutes, each study is both substantive and time efficient and is useful for individual and group studies.
Publisher: 19 Baskets
ISBN: 9781946862020
Item #: 14091
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 86
Publication Date: 2018

Customer Reviews

(5.00)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 3/18/2019, said:
5 stars out of 5
For years we've struggled to find a good book for our bible study. With such a variety of women in different times of life, it was difficult to find a book that would be a balance of not being too light or too dense with good discussion questions and commentary (so you can help lead without being a biblical scholar!). This book has it all. For moms who work or stay at home, older or younger women, this book has been a great find. Our groups always have great discussion with the questions and the commentaries lend great insight and perspective. It has presented Philippians with a new light. Can't wait to start another At His Feet studies!
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