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Invitation to Educational Ministry

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Invitation to Educational Ministry - Foundations of Transformative Christian Education

Because teaching is at the heart of Christian ministry, the editors of Invitation to Educational Ministry have assembled a team of seasoned experts to present a comprehensive plan of Christian education. This volume will help church staff, parachurch leaders, and small-group teachers become more effective, influential, and creative.

After laying a biblical and practical foundation for Christian education, the contributors provide specific guidance on teaching a variety of individuals and groups, including children, adults, singles, seniors, and non-Christians.

The final section shares valuable insights on leading small groups, teaching innovatively, and overseeing a healthy educational ministry, among other topics. Each chapter is designed to equip educators with the most relevant information, and includes many useful features:
Real-life case studies
Scriptural support
Explanations of key terms and concepts
Practical suggestions
Resources for additional study
Sidebars illustrating best principles and practices

Dr. George Hillman is the Chairman and Associate Professor of the Educational Ministries and Leadership Department at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Hillman has a passion for discipleship, spiritual formation, and contextual leadership development. Prior to joining the seminary faculty, he was in pastoral ministry focused on college ministry, small groups, and education. He is active nationally with the Association of Theological Field Education and is also engaged in several missions outreaches focused on pastoral training overseas.
Publisher: Kregel
ISBN: 9780825444449
Item #: 14308
Binding: Cloth
Chapters: 21
Page Count: 512
Publication Date: 2018

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