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15 Things Seminary Couldn't Teach me

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15 Things Seminary Couldn't Teach Me
Edited by Jeff Robinson Sr., Collin Hansen, Foreword by R. Albert Mohler Jr., Contributions by Daniel L. Akin, Matthew Z. Capps, Jeff Higbie, Matt McCullough, Phil A. Newton, John Onwuchekwa, Vermon Pierre, Harry L. Reeder III (PCA), Juan R. Sanchez, Scott Sauls (PCA), Jay S. Thomas, Dale Van Dyke, Mark Vroegop

Some lessons can’t be learned in a classroom.

A seminary education is immensely valuable, offering theological preparation, spiritual formation, and wise mentoring. But many new pastors are discouraged when the realities of their first call don’t line up with what they came to expect from assigned readings and classroom discussions.

Bridging the gap between seminary training and real life in a local church, fifteen veteran pastors and ministry leaders offer advice and encouragement related to a host of real-world issues, such as leading congregations through seasons of suffering, handling conflict, accepting a call, leaving a church, and more.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433558146
Item #: 14319
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 15
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2018

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