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Wounded Heart Workbook

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The Wounded Heart Companion Workbook - Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse

by Dan Allender

Thousands of men and women have experienced life-reviving healing from Dr. Dan Allender’s The Wounded Heart. This companion workbook will help you work through the complex issues of sexual abuse in a concrete way.

Designed to be used on your own or in a group, the workbook will lead you step by step through the process of change: facing the truth about past and present experiences and feelings; wrestling with God, other people, and yourself; and understanding the goals and fears that have determined how you relate to others. It also includes specific sections for men, ideas for discussion-group facilitators, and reflective quotations from other victims of sexual abuse.

Dr. Dan Allender has pioneered a unique and innovative approach to trauma and abuse therapy over the past 30 years. Dan taught at Grace Theological Seminary and Colorado Christian University. He helped found and serves as professor of counseling psychology at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology.
Publisher: Tyndale
ISBN: 9781600063084
Item #: 14378
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 208
Publication Date: 2018

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