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Knowing God through the OT

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Knowing God Through the Old Testament - Three Volumes in One

by Christopher J.H. Wright

Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament explores images that pervade the biblical narratives, psalms, and prophetic texts of the Old Testament. God is acknowledged as tender yet terrifying, challenging to the nations, and yet intimately personal, offering loving care, provision, discipline, and forgiveness. This is the God whom Jesus knew, and whom we can know, as Father.

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament uncovers Jesus' self-understanding as Son of Man and Son of God from his deep roots in the Hebrew Scriptures. As the Jesus who fulfilled the mission that God had given to Israel is revealed, we discover that the more we understand the Old Testament, the closer we come to the heart of Jesus.

Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament traces the Holy Spirit through the pages of the Old Testament. We see the Third Person of the Trinity in the decrees of prophets and psalmists, in the actions of judges and craftspeople, in the anointing of kings, and the promise of a new creation. The witness of the whole of Scripture directs us to a Holy Spirit empowering the people of God, and sustaining and renewing the face of the earth.

Christopher J. H. Wright (PhD, Cambridge) is international ministries director of the Langham Partnership, providing literature, scholarships, and preaching training for pastors in Majority World churches and seminaries.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830852437
Item #: 14452
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 20
Page Count: 588
Publication Date: 2019

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