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Miller, Samuel

Holding Fast the Faithful Word

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Holding Fast the Faithful Word: Sermons and Addresses

by Samuel Miller

Resolved, that, by the grace of God, I will not merge my office as a minister of the gospel, in that of professor. I will still preach as often as my Master gives me opportunity and strength. I am persuaded that no minister of the gospel, to whatever office he may be called, ought to give up preaching. He owes it to his ordination vows, to his office, to his Master, to the church of God, to his own character, to his own soul, to go on preaching to his last hour. Lord, give me grace to act on this principle!

With this commitment in place, Samuel Miller entered his career at Princeton Seminary determined not to allow his professorial duties to diminish his calling as a minister of the gospel. And with such conviction, Miller did, indeed, continue preaching unto the last days of his life. Holding Fast the Faithful Word collects a number of sermons Miller had published during his ministry. Miller’s sermons are models of organizational clarity. His main headings are easily discerned, and he always provides practical applications from the doctrines contained in his discourses.

Samuel Miller (1769–1850) was a Presbyterian minister and served as professor of ecclesiastical history and church government at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601786319
Item #: 14454
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 21
Page Count: 600
Publication Date: 2018

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