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Greggo, Stephen P.

Assessment for Counseling in Christian Perspective

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Assessment for Counseling in Christian Perspective - CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES BOOKS
by Stephen P. Greggo

Assessment in counseling—like its biblical counterpart, discernment—is an ongoing and dynamic routine to encourage movement in a productive direction toward what is truly best. In Assessment for Counseling in Christian Perspective, Stephen P. Greggo equips counselors to put assessment techniques into practical use, particularly with clients who are looking to grow in their identity with Jesus Christ.

Does a Christian worldview offer distinguishing parameters for assessment practice?
Can clinical proficiency in assessment bring glory to God?
How can the crucial psychometric construct of validity be translated into our Christian faith?
In what ways can the inclusion of objective procedures be transformed into a message of hospitality and affirmation?
How can counselors maximize the benefits of a therapeutic alliance to attend to immediate concerns and foster spiritual formation?
How can formal personality measures add depth and substance to the counseling experience?
How can assessment contribute to client retention, treatment completion, and aftercare planning?

Stephen P. Greggo (PsyD, State University of New York, Albany) is professor of counseling and chair of the counseling department at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, training mental health professionals and clergy for a Christian ministry of soul care.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830828586
Item #: 14478
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 15
Page Count: 345
Publication Date: 2019

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