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Hamner, Curt, editors

Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, & Mission in a Changing World

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
by Curt Hamner; John Trent; John Trent; Rebekah J. Byrd; Eric L. Johnson; Erik Thoennes, editors

It can be difficult to know how to respond to a culture that is becoming more and more antagonistic to biblical beliefs about marriage. And this is a topic worth getting right. Marriage was given to us as a picture of the triune God in relationship with his people, which means what we believe about marriage is indissolubly tied to what we believe about God and his creating and saving purposes. Therefore, it is more important now than ever that we think theologically and carefully about what marriage is and how we live faithfully in it.

Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World is the much-needed work on marriage for this generation and the next. Rooted in a scriptural understanding of marriage, it thoughtfully engages the issues surrounding marriage being debated today and lays the groundwork for the crucial conversations of our day. Each section contains chapters from trusted theologians as well as experienced practitioners who work with couples daily. Rediscover the beauty of God's design for marriage and be strengthened to stand firm amidst any challenges the world may bring.
Publisher: Moody Press
ISBN: 9780802413833
Item #: 14538
Binding: Hardcover
Chapters: 16
Page Count: 448
Publication Date: 2018

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