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Yuille, J. Stephen

Path of Life, The

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The Path of Life: Blessedness in Seasons of Lament (Yuille)
by J. Stephen Yuille

Psalm 119 is noted for its call to delight in the word of God. But we must not fail to realize that this great psalm is also infused with great lament. In The Path of Life, J. Stephen Yuille follows the psalmist through his many ups and downs in order to see how he gives voice to the song in our soul. Here is comfort for bearing sorrow, strength for enduring difficulty, trust for facing uncertainty, and peace for overcoming anxiety. Even in his extremity, the psalmist finds joy in the blessed God. This is how Jesus persevered through trials and endured the cross. And in Christ, you too can take up this psalm, follow the path of life, and find blessedness in your seasons of lament.

J. Stephen Yuille is the vice president of academics at Heritage College and Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario. He also serves as associate professor of biblical spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage
ISBN: 9781601786890
Item #: 14557
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 224
Publication Date: 2019

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