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Miller, Paul E.

J-Curve: Dying & Rising w/Jesus in Everyday Life

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life
By Paul E. Miller - PCA

Life's inconveniences, disappointments, and trials can leave us confused, cynical, and eventually bitter. But the apostle Paul traces out the path of dying and rising with Jesus—what Paul Miller calls the “J-Curve”—as the normal Christian life.

The J-Curve maps the ups and downs of daily life onto the story of Jesus. It grounds our journeys not in some abstract idea but in union with Christ and his work of love. Understanding our lives in light of the J-Curve roots our hope, centers our love, and tethers our faith to Christ.

Paul E. Miller (MDiv, Biblical Seminary) is the executive director of seeJesus as well as the best-selling author of A Praying Life and several other books. With the help of his ministry staff, Miller creates and conducts interactive discipleship seminars throughout the world.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433561566
Item #: 14586
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 36
Page Count: 336
Publication Date: 2019

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