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Mark - How Jesus Changes Everything OS DUE April

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
By John Perritt - PCA

Created for one-to-one discipleship, small group, or large settings, this guide is theologically rich in a time when biblical illiteracy is growing among Christians. Rather than a message of moralism, Mark introduces students to Jesus: the lover of the least and the hero of heroes.

Perritt outlines many helpful questions paired with Scripture readings for personal reflection or group discussion. Through in-depth examination of the book of Mark, article readings, and applicable exercises, students experience the compassion and authority of Christ.

He helps young adults ask difficult questions: Why was Jesus angry in the book of Mark? How does Peter’s denial of Jesus still fit into God’s perfect plan? What does it mean that even Jesus begs his Father to allow suffering to be removed from him?

John Perritt, MDiv, DMin, is the Director of Resources for Reformed Youth Ministries and serves as the host of The Local Youth Worker podcast for RYM.
Publisher: New Growth Press
ISBN: 9781948130905
Item #: 14631
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 12
Page Count: 128
Publication Date: 2019

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