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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The gospel of Jesus Christ is intimately bound up with the glory of Christ Himself. Moreover, all of the major themes of Christian theology are vitally informed by the person and work of our glorious Lord. Aware of these connections, Ryan McGraw gives us a big-picture view of the gospel that begins with the eternal plan of salvation, moves through the covenants of works and of grace, traces every stage of Christ’s incarnation and work, and concludes with His reign in the church. Throughout the book, careful attention is given to the importance of the Trinitarian nature of God and the believer’s union with Christ. Here is a call to faith in and fellowship with Jesus, demonstrating how the glory of Christ is truly the best news anyone can embrace.

Ryan M. McGraw is the pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale, California. He is married to Krista, and they have three sons.
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
ISBN: 9781601782243
Item #: 11928
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 116
Publication Date: 2013

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