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Christian JumpStart: Getting a jump-start into the Christian Faith

Christian JumpStart helps us start our journey of following Christ and can also be a useful tool to lead others on the path of faith. The Bible can be a big, confusing book to believers. JumpStart has five simple lessons to help with these key Christian beliefs. The first lesson, The Gospel, addresses the key doctrines necessary for saving faith--that we have sinned, and God has sent His Son to be our Savior if we trust in Him. The Second lesson, Behold Your God!, teaches key doctrines concerning our Triune God--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The third lesson, Set Apart for God, gives an overview of how we are to live the Christian life. The fourth lesson, In God’s Word and Prayer, tells us what is contained in the Bible, provides some hints on interpretation, and practical advice on how to pray. Finally, Christian JumpStart provides practical advice for reading the Bible daily and a 30-Day Reading Plan to get you started. Christian JumpStart is a useful tool for personal growth, evangelism, one-on-one discipleship, and small groups.

Andrew WC Matthews (Div. RTS) is the pastor of Bay Area Presbyterian Church in Webster Texas (PCA), and the author of Christian JumpStart: Getting a jump-start into the Christian Faith.
ISBN: 9781483948423
Item #: 12036
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 41
Publication Date: 2013

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