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Explicit Gospel, The

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
You know you know it…
But then again, maybe you don’t.

Even if you go to church, it doesn’t mean that you are being exposed to the gospel explicitly. Sure, most people talk about Jesus, and about being good and avoiding bad, but the gospel message simply isn’t there—at least not in its specificity and its fullness.

Inspired by the needs of both the over-churched and the unchurched, and bolstered by the common neglect of the explicit gospel within Christianity, popular pastor Matt Chandler writes to remind us what is of first and utmost importance—the gospel.

Matt Chandler is the lead pastor of The Village Church, a multi-campus church in the Dallas metroplex of over 10,000 people.
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 9781433542114
Item #: 12226
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 11
Page Count: 237
Publication Date: 2012

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