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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
An Encouragement to Share Christ -- with Confidence

There are between five and eight million Muslims living in the United States today. They either are, or soon will be, your neighbors and co-workers. Does the thought of reaching out to them with the gospel make you nervous? How can you effectively communicate the good news with such large theological differences? The Gospel for Muslims can help make sharing your faith easier than you think.

Thabiti Anyabwile, himself a convert from Islam to Christianity, instructs you in ways to share the good news of Christ with your neighbors and friends. The Gospel for Muslims allows you to focus on the people rather than the religious system. Meant for the average Christian, this book is not an exhaustive apologetic or a detailed comparative study of Christianity and Islam. Rather, it compellingly stirs confidence in the gospel, equipping the reader with the basics necessary to communicate clearly, boldly, and winsomely.

THABITI ANYABWILE currently serves as senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
Publisher: Moody
ISBN: 9780802416841
Item #: 12257
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 11
Page Count: 176
Publication Date: 2010

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