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HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER - Encourageing words to strengthen your spirit

by Peter Rosenberger - PCA

There are 65.7 million caregivers in America, making up 29 percent of the U.S. adult population. Where does the caregiver turn when dealing with their own need for encouragement and renewal? A caregiver is a friend, neighbor, or family member who helps meet the special needs of others—without pay and often at great personal cost to their own career, finances, social life, and mental health. What does "help" look like to a caregiver? Hope for the Caregiver answers that question with the immense credibility of the author and insights gleaned over 28 years as a caregiving husband. Combining proven practical help with Biblical principles and a powerful message of encouragement from one who has "been there ...and still there," HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER is a "just in time" help to those buckling under the strain of caring for vulnerable loved ones. Foreword is by Ken Tada.
Publisher: Worthy Inspired
ISBN: 9781683972822
Item #: 12275
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 40
Page Count: 221
Publication Date: 2018

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