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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Beginnings: Understanding How We Experience the New Birth

by Stephen Smallman - PCA

Are Christians supposed to be spiritual salespeople, peddling Jesus to others and pushing to seal the deal? In John ch 3, Jesus describes the work of the Holy Spirit in a process of spiritual rebirth. Stephen Smallman argues that we best view ourselves as “spiritual midwives”—not giving new life, but instead being used by God to assist in the birth.

To best do this, we must understand how conversion works and where our spiritual journeys begin. Smallman unpacks numerous conversion stories, both biblical and contemporary, showing how the Holy Spirit’s work can be traced in the lives of new believers. Smallman shows how we can learn the stories of others and tell our own stories. Then we will understand where people are coming from as we interact with them, and we will have both hope and guidance in speaking with unbelievers.

STEPHEN SMALLMAN served for over forty years in pastoral ministry. He is an urban missionary serving with CityNet Ministries and is Assistant Pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church in Glenside, Pennsylvania.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9781596389458
Item #: 12278
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 208
Publication Date: 2015

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