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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
"Look carefully. Listen closely. Do you see? Do you hear? There are a million signposts pointing toward the specific truth of God in Christ. I’ve seen many of them. But God is speaking to you too. Look and see. Listen and hear."

In this accessible and engaging work, veteran apologist Jim Sire gives us eyes to see the myriad "signals of transcendence" all around us that point to the specific truth of God in Christ. Focusing on the power of good literature—even from those who deny the existence of God—enables us to perceive and testify to God's reality in ways that rational argument alone cannot.

All inspiration is rooted in God the Creator, and some of God’s truth lies buried until an artist exposes it. Good literature, written from a Christian standpoint or not, displays multiple examples of our human understandings of God, the universe and ourselves. It testifies to the existence of a transcendent realm and often, in fact, to the truth of the Christian faith.
Publisher: IVP
ISBN: 9780830840557
Item #: 12287
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 7
Page Count: 160
Publication Date: 2014

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