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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Atonement is the most significant contribution to the Christian church by Hugh Martin, an author of extraordinary penetration and great power. At a time when the preaching of the cross has been displaced from many pulpits by talk about man, and where experience-orientated theology has come to reign, Martin’s exposition of the atonement is a book that demands attention.

The great distinctive feature of The Atonement is the emphasis it places on the importance of a covenant perspective, and its focus on the work of Christ as priest. Martin was adamant that these are essential to the right interpretation and proclamation of the doctrine of the atonement. In these pages the author also exposes the mis-steps in theology that empty the cross of its meaning and power. In doing so he notably expounds the concept of the double imputation of sin and righteousness, devastatingly exposes the weaknesses of the theology of F. W. Robertson, and treats the relationship between the atonement and the moral law.

Hugh Martin (1822-85) combined a brilliant analytical and mathematical mind with a child-like heart which rested in Christ and his atoning work, as revealed in the Scriptures. Born and brought up in Aberdeen, he gained the top prizes in mathematics at the University there, before going on to study for the ministry. He cast in his lot with those who left the Established Church at the Disruption and served at Panbride (Carnoustie) and Free Greyfriars, Edinburgh, until illness forced his retirement from the ministry at the age of 42.
Publisher: BOT
ISBN: 9781848712911
Item #: 12296
Binding: Hardback
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 233
Publication Date: 2013

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