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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Liberating the Goodness of Money in Your Life

by Joe Kesler - PCA

Many people who struggle with money issues settle for taking advice from someone who offers a simplistic, one size fits all program regardless of circumstances. Don’t settle!

Joe Kesler has drawn on his extensive experience working with real people on Main street and in churches to offer a better, longer lasting way to find peace with your money. This book begins with your spiritual core before building on that belief system to address external money issues. This book is a unique approach to money that has helped bring positive transformation to many who have taken the journey.

Joe R. Kesler has worked in community banking for thirty-six years. He earned his MBA from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; and upon passing his CPA exam, he received an Elijah Watt Sells award for scoring in the top one hundred out of over sixty-eight thousand candidates. Kesler has been CEO of two community banks, including his current post at First Montana Bank, where he’s served for nearly a decade.
Publisher: Createspace
ISBN: 9781499162516
Item #: 12342
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 10
Page Count: 230
Publication Date: 2014

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