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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
After Acts - Exploring the Lives and Legends of the Apostles

by Bryan Litfin

What happened to all those biblical figures once the Bible was finished? We've all heard it said: "According to early church tradition Peter was crucified upside down," or "Paul went to Spain." Did Thomas found the Indian church? Or did Mary live in Ephesus? Were the twelve disciples all eventually martyred?

Where do these ancient traditions come from, and how historically reliable are they? What is meant by the term "early church tradition?" After Acts opens up the world of the Bible-right after it was written. Follow along with New Testament scholar, Dr. Bryan Litfin as he explores the facts, myths, legends, archaeology, and questions of what happened in those most early days of Christianity.

BRYAN LITFIN grew up in Dallas, TX; Oxford, England; and Memphis, TN. He earned a degree in print journalism from the University of Tennessee, a master's degree in historical theology at Dallas Seminary, and a Ph.D. in the field of ancient church history at the University of Virginia. He now serves as Professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL.
Publisher: Moody
ISBN: 9780802412409
Item #: 12399
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 11
Page Count: 200
Publication Date: 2015

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