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How To Read the Bible Book by Book

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How to Read the Bible Book by Book - A Guided Tour

By Gordon D. Fee , Douglas Stuart

Reading the Bible need not be a haphazard journey through strange and bewildering territory. Like an experienced tour guide, How to Read the Bible Book by Book takes you by the hand and walks you through the Scriptures. For each book of the Bible, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its key elements and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.

In an engaging, conversational style, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart take you through a given book of the Bible using their unique, progressive approach:

-Orienting Data--Concise info bytes that form a thumbnail of the book
-Overview--A brief panorama that introduces key concepts and themes and important landmarks in the book
-Specific Advice for Reading--Pointers for accurately understanding the details and message of the book in context with the circumstances surrounding its writing
-A Walk Through--The actual section-by-section tour that helps you see both the larger landscape of the book and how its various parts work together to form the whole. Here you are taken by the hand and told, "Look at this!"

Gordon D. Fee (PhD, University of Southern California) is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310518082
Item #: 12409
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 66
Page Count: 448
Publication Date: 2015

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