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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Many Christians may find today's world to be spiritually hostile. In a social climate that begs spirituality to take a backseat to cultural demands there is a need for a new discipleship model. It is no secret that modern disciples will have to search for new methods of discipleship. Rather than a book intended for use as a guide for discipleship, Brave New Discipleship lays out the biblical principles that must be followed, no matter what book or discipleship method the reader might choose to use.

Brave New Discipleship integrates the best of modern educational research to guide the most effective discipleship strategy possible. Max explores Scripture and sheds light on what is negotiable and what is non-negotiable for modern ministry. For the reader looking for biblically sound ways to grow his or her church, Brave New Discipleship is a must-read.

Max Anders (ThM Dallas Theological Seminary, DMin Western Serminary) has taught on the collee and seminary level, is one of the original team members with Walk Thru th Bible, and has pastored for more than 20 years.
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780718030643
Item #: 12441
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 17
Page Count: 240
Publication Date: 2015

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