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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
Raising daughters is a joy. Nothing prepares a dad for the rush of feelings that accompany holding your baby girl for the first time. But along with the joy, comes the questions. How do you protect her from harm, set her on a good path, and help her become the woman God has designed her to be? You can use your “guy instincts” with your boys, but how do you guide your daughter?

As a fellow father of three daughters, Andy Farmer provides some guiding principles and helpful encouragements for navigating the murky waters of parenting girls. With constant reminders of the Father’s grace and provision for you, he offers concrete suggestions for creating an environment where your girls can develop the same dependence on Christ that sustains you and that will allow them to thrive and grow.

Andy Farmer, MA, has served as a pastor at Covenant Fellowship Church in Glen Mills, PA, for over twenty years. He also serves on the Council Board of the Biblical Counseling Coalition and is the author of The Rich Single Life and Real Peace.
Publisher: New Growth
ISBN: 9781942572206
Item #: 12542
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 24
Publication Date: 2015

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