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Glorious Christ - Meditations on His Person, Work, and Love

Glorious Christ - Meditations on His Person, Work, and Love

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The Glorious Christ - Meditations on His Person, Work, and Love
Kris Lundgaard

We become like what we worship—which means we will find true rest only as we worship Christ and become more like him. In his revised devotional work, Kris Lundgaard invites us to forsake unfulfilling idols and set our hearts on adoring Christ instead. Drawn by the wisdom of Puritan John Owen, this book is a profound call to contemplate Christ–his person, work, and love–in new and deeper ways, so that you are challenged and changed.

Kris Lundgaard and his wife, Paula, served fourteen years with Mission to the World in Slovakia. As well as authoring several books, he has been a technical writer, computer programmer, pastor, program manager, and test-engineering manager.
Publisher: P&R
ISBN: 9798887790107
Item #: 15920
Binding: Paper
Page Count: 200
Publication Date: 2023

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